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Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance while you Work From Home

The COVID-19 pandemic has been life-altering in more ways than one and our work life has been no exception. Organizations have progressively shifted to remote and hybrid work cultures, allowing more and more employees to work from home.

Working from home has its perks - greater flexibility, no commuting, more time with family, healthier lifestyle - it can also be detrimental to employee wellness. Working from a box during the pandemic has caused isolation and workplace disconnect, increased the risk of overworking and led to a disproportionate work-life balance.

We discuss some of the ways in which you can incorporate a healthy work-life balance into your day-to-day routine while working remotely from home.

What employees can do to maintain work-life balance

While working unconventional hours from a non-traditional workspace, we often forget to take care of ourselves. Without co-workers around to remind us, it becomes even more difficult to remember that we need breaks, have meals on time, and leave work aside for the day.

Have a dedicated workspace at home

It is important to set a clutter-free space for you to work in your home that is away from your living area. Having a neat and organized home office will make sure that you get tasks completed in time without being distracted throughout the day.

Use small chores as breaks

If you keep running after the next goal on the list without taking time to reset, it can burn you out. Make sure you take breaks in between and the most effective way to do so is by getting personal chores done. This will also ensure you don’t send yourself off on guilt trips for wasting time.

Take your meals on time

Eating healthy and at regular intervals will help you nourish and recharge yourself. This is likely to make a big difference in your ability to keep working efficiently without compromising on productivity. You should also take your meals away from your workspace and in your dining area to maintain a healthy work-life boundary.

Switch off after designated work hours

Working remotely from one’s home can often make workers feel like they are living at work. Added to this, if work hours are flexible, it is even more difficult to restrict oneself to the designated number of hours. Having a fixed schedule and cutting yourself off from work after you are done for the day allows you to take your mind off work and focus on other things in life.

Build your switch off ritual

Continuing from the previous point, if you are to switch off effectively after work, you need a ritual that marks that shift. Set yourself 15-20 mins for a self-care activity that lets you unwind and relax, while letting you transition.

Utilise your leave balance

Leaves are there for a reason - to let you time off work so you can take care of yourself and your loved ones and feel motivated to keep working. Even if you’re working from home in your PJs, taking leaves is essential to reset yourself.

Communicate your needs to your employer

Times are tough and asking for support is normal. Employers around the world are embracing open cultures in their workspace and encouraging employees to talk about their emotional and mental health needs. If you are experiencing burnout or having a tough time coping with the tasks at hand, make sure to communicate openly and honestly.

Now that we know what employees can do to instill healthy work-life habits in their daily schedule, let us glance over some positive steps businesses can take to promote a healthier work-life balance.

What employers can do to cultivate work-life balance

  1. Allow flexibility in work schedules whenever and wherever possible. This allows employees to fit their working hours around important commitments, like parenting and household responsibilities.
  2. Encourage your employees to utilize their leave balance. Working from home is not synonymous with holidaying and taking leaves ensures your workers get back to work refreshed and motivated.
  3. Make sure to regularly review workloads. This prevents some workers from freeriding on their team while others struggle to cope with work pressure and stress.
  4. Businesses need to realize every worker is different and has his/her individualized needs to perform best. While some might relish working from home, for others it can be challenging.
  5. Offer your employees the help and support they need to cope with the changing normal. Making necessary resources available is a topmost priority for organizations looking to boost employee performance and productivity.

Maintaining a balance between work and life is essential in sustaining employee engagement, performance, and productivity. In a world that is becoming more and more fast-paced by the day, we must pay close attention to our wellbeing and make self-care a priority.

Working from home has its benefits and by inculcating the right habits in our daily plans, we can make the most of it. Small tweaks here and there can help you regulate and self-manage a lot of issues and solve problems that might otherwise appear unmanageable.

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