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Importance Of Early Intervention In Mental Well-being Deterioration


  We all are familiar with the saying, “A stitch in time saves nine.” The same is true for mental well-being as well. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 7.5% of Indians, that is, more than 100 million Indians are not mentally healthy. But the real problem is when only less than 5 million of these individuals seek early treatment or any treatment at all for their problems related to mental well-being. That is over 95 million individuals going through stress, anxiety, depression, and many other mental well-being problems all alone without any professional help.

One such individual is Anjali, 34 years old, who due to extreme stress at work and in personal life started feeling agitated, and easily irritable. This slowly started affecting her relationships both at work and at home, she started to be socially withdrawn and felt lost, alone in the whole world. She felt helpless about her situation, hopeless about her future, and worthless as a person, friend, and employee. Unable to deal with these issues, she also started having high blood pressure and constant headaches. Upon the doctor’s order, she had to undergo 2 years of therapy. Had she sought help early on, she wouldn’t have had to go through the countless years of being stressed and unhappy. 

Early detection can help you deal better with your mental well-being than just waiting for things to hit rock bottom. Here are a few reasons why.

  1. Diagnosis is quicker and less complicated
  2. Treatment is immediate and faster rate of recovery
  3. Therapy is shorter
  4. Avoids physical well-being deterioration
  5. Functionality is restored quicker

Diagnosis is quicker and less complicated

It is important to identify the problem at its earliest, especially in regards to one’s mental well-being. The longer the delay in early detection, the more complicated the diagnosis and treatment start to get. It is like when you have trouble breathing your heart starts to beat faster and you feel dizzy. One thing leads to another and your health starts to decline. It is the same with mental well-being. When you get diagnosed earlier, you can nip the problem in the bud before your problem goes from mild to severe.

Treatment is immediate and faster rate of recovery

If you have a deep cut on your arm, do you wait for all the blood to gush out, or do you immediately bandage it up? Similarly, when you are facing problems with your mental well-being, you need to provide immediate treatment. Early detection leads to a faster rate of recovery and a lower rate of relapse.

Therapy is shorter

Like Anjali, rather than waiting for things to go as bad as they can, seek help early on. Early detection leads to shorter therapy and a person starts to feel better much quicker. It takes less time to clean one dish than to clean all the dishes together once a month. So rather than letting your problems get worse every day, seek therapy early.

Avoids physical well-being deterioration

Research has shown that in case you have problems with your mental well-being it starts affecting your personal, social and occupational life. Poor well-being does not only deteriorate your mood, thought process, and outlook on life, it also negatively affects your brain structure and your physical body. Your brain, heart, digestive system, sleep schedule, etc. all deteriorate if early detection of the problem is not done. 

Functionality is restored quicker

With early detection, you can go back to your older self in no time. With the help of timely treatment, you can be happier, calmer, and stress-free quicker. According to studies poor mental well-being negatively affects your memory, concentration power, and attention span. All these functionalities are important for the effective running of day-to-day activities. By getting treatment on time, you can save your cognitive abilities to decline further and restore your functioning.

Early detection is important but it is best done through reliable sources. Getting an assessment done and taking the help of a mental health professional to help you understand it is important. It is better to be screened earlier than to delay the treatment process and deteriorate your mental well-being. You can reach out to our psychologists to help you manage your emotional and mental health.


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