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Cure Your Emotional Hangover In 5 Simple Steps

Oftentimes you might wake up feeling drained, exhausted, moody, or a bit off. It usually happens after we process, release or feel intense, usually overpowering emotions.

If this is what you have been feeling then, welcome to the emotional hangover.

The effects of an emotional event can linger for a while even after the event happens. This event can be anything ranging from a minor argument with your best friend to breaking up with your partner. While the event is over, your head is still reeling and also messing with the current emotions.

“Emotional hangover” is the occurrence that has to do with the way our brains process information to create and hold on to memories. 

Recovering from an emotional hangover is majorly about indulging in self-care. Here are some tips for getting out of your funk and getting back into the swing of things.

Eat a Good Meal

Avoid foods and drinks that may trigger anxiety-like candy, coffee, and alcohol, even deep-fried food, cheesy, greasy, high levels of cholesterol and sodium-containing food. There could be constant thoughts regarding taking a drink or two and you would feel that these would help you ease your mind and get you to relax. But don’t mess with your brain chemicals when your mind is in a vulnerable state. Instead, focus on eating healthy foods that’ll nourish your body and your mind, like having those leafy greens or some carbohydrates.

Move Your Body For Good 

According to a study by the American Psychological Association, exercise can aid in improving your mood drastically, even with only five minutes of a moderate workout. Finding the motivation to work out is winning half the battle, so use this to motivate you to get active and get your brain back to a better place. Whether your exercise of choice is yoga or running, cardio, strength training, walking, just get started.

Spend Time With Loved Ones

This will help you to vent out your bottled-up emotions. It can feel amazing to get something off your chest, which you’ve been holding in. Preferably talk to someone, with whom you can be honest, the one who won’t judge you. This will also help you gain a new perspective and also get advice. Plus, spending quality time with loved ones, realizing that someone is there for you, is a mood booster, in general.

Channel Your Creativity

Another way you can put your emotions to good use is using your memory to create something — anything. Don’t stop yourself just because you feel you are not good at it. You don’t have to be great at it and act like Picasso! Paint, draw, sketch, write a poem, play something on guitar, whatever you feel like! Do what interests you. Just focus on letting it be an outlet for your energy, the thing that you are feeling at the present moment. It should not be a challenge to create something perfect.

Read or Meditate

It is imperative that after an emotionally draining experience you are still reeling from and replaying the events again and again in your head. Reading and meditating are healthy ways of escapism. 

Unlike an alcohol hangover, it’s impossible to avoid emotional hangovers. But now, next time you’re feeling emotionally hungover, just know that it’s normal. It's just a reminder to slow down, turn inward, and cater to your actual needs. 

HappiMynd caters to people who are in their journey of self-help, self-improvement and self-care. Take the first step to know more about your emotions by taking the HappiLIFE screening self-assessment. You can also use happiBUDDY to vent out all your emotions that you might have been holding on to.

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