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8 Signs Your Body Is Asking You To Slow Down

While it feels like right now is the time to get proactive, maintain and follow routines actively and be part of every conversation at the workplace, we have to take the time to check in with our bodies and minds, too. Because to be our best selves, we've got to stay in tune with our bodies, even if sometimes there comes a day wherein we feel out-of-sync with the rest of the world.

It’s natural to feel stressed due to the daily hassles. Our bodies have a clever way of telling us when it's time to slow down, even if we're not listening.

Here’s a list of hints that we experience that tells us it’s time to slow down. 

You’re having trouble focusing 

Does it happen to you that you notice you are having difficulty focusing during the morning, and by noon, your body requires that extra caffeine to function and wake up? It is probably a sign for you to slow down and relax your senses.

You feel sore, achy or clumsy

Are you frequently dropping things here and there, bumping into things, tripping over, spilling or breaking things? That’s a clear and strong indicator that you’re moving too fast. It's a major physical sign, wherein your body is asking you to slow down as tension is building up. When that happens, just make sure that you utilize a lot of self-care activities, even getting some movement will make one feel rejuvenated and relaxed.

You are experiencing screen anxiety 

While it's tempting to stay up-to-date with everything going on in the world and also your social life, you've got to be able to put a little bit of distance between you and your screens. If you find yourself constantly reaching into your pocket to check your phone and also feel anxious when you just can't, it's time to take a break from it. There's a difference between staying informed and obsessing.

You don't seem to find things 

When you're operating in a stressful mind state, you're not fully present in the moment. So when you put your keys down while simultaneously thinking about something else, you don’t seem to remember where you kept them later. If you've been spending more time than usual looking for your belongings in your room, it is a dangerous sign that you are feeling overwhelmed and you need to decompress and work on staying in the present. You need to give the tasks in front of you undivided attention; they deserve to be tackled efficiently. Otherwise, they could end up costing you more time.

You're not getting enough sleep

Sleep is required to fill your tank so that you can face the challenges of the next day. If you're having trouble falling asleep at night, or find yourself waking up in the morning with anxiety and maybe with an inability to fall back asleep, your sleep cycles are out-of-order. This often happens when you're stressed out and not taking the time to deal with the situation. Take it down a notch if at all possible.

You have no time to eat

If you don’t slow down long enough to nourish yourself and take a proper diet, you’ll find that you will eventually come to a dead-end, regardless of how much you desire to keep going.

You’re repeatedly getting sick

It's a dangerous sign if you find yourself feeling ill a lot more often than usual, it’s just your body’s way of letting you know that you’ve got to take things at your own pace. This is the right time to listen to what your body is saying and not wait for things to go out of hand.

You feel pressure in your head

Do you experience the feeling wherein your head feels like it may just pop right off? It's a clear sign that you should just get some air at this point. This would help ease the stress and recharge you.

It is necessary to recognize these early signs of burnout to just nub it in the bud and get help before things get worse. Taking notice of just one or two of these meaningful signs should be enough to ease your current pace, which will serve you well in the long run.

It is important to know the signs to work on them. Self-assessment tools like HappiLIFE screening can give you insight into your emotional wellbeing and also help you in taking the further right steps.

Also, it is always better to seek the help of mental health professionals than wait for the problem to worsen.

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