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7 Tips To Control Your Anger

Anger is a natural emotion that may be beneficial when it helps in solving challenges or problems, whether at work or home. On the other hand, it may be an issue if it leads to aggressive behavior, outbursts, or even violent fistfights.

Anger management is essential for preventing you from saying or doing anything you may later regret. You can utilize particular techniques for managing anger before it escalates.

Here are seven ideas to help you manage your anger. These do not guarantee that you won't be in a bad mood, but you'll be less likely to do something you'll later regret.

Think before you speak

Thinking before you speak is an essential habit to develop if you want to avoid problems in your relationships, job, or elsewhere. When you don't think before you speak, you're more likely to say things that are painful to others, even if your intentions are good. It's all too easy to say something in the heat of the moment that you'll later regret. But before you say anything, take a few seconds to organize your thoughts – and let those engaged in the issue do the same.

Express your anger once you've calmed down

Express your anger in an assertive yet non-threatening manner as soon as you're thinking clearly. Without harming people or attempting to dominate them, express your worries and concerns simply and directly.

Take a break

When you're angry, it's tough not to react in a way that you'll regret later. Allow yourself to take small pauses throughout stressful moments of the day. A few seconds of silence or a walk and then your anger may decrease with time and it may help you feel more capable of dealing with whatever comes your way without becoming frustrated or angry.

Don't keep a grudge against anyone

Forgiveness is an extremely effective weapon. Allowing anger and other bad emotions to overpower pleasant emotions might lead to you being eaten up by your bitterness or sense of unfairness. However, if you can forgive someone who has offended you, you may be able to learn from the experience while also strengthening your connection.

To relieve tension, use humour

Relaxation might be improved by lightening up. Use humour to help you deal with whatever it is that is making you upset, as well as any unreasonable expectations you may have about how things should go. Sarcasm, on the other hand, should be avoided since it might hurt sentiments and make matters worse.

Practice your relaxing techniques

Put your relaxation abilities to use when your anger rises. Deep breathing exercises, visualizing a peaceful picture, or repeating a soothing word or phrase, such as "Take it easy," can all help you relax. You may also relax by listening to music, writing in a notebook, or doing a few yoga postures – whatever it takes.

Use 'I' statements as much as possible

Use "I" words to express the situation instead of criticizing or blaming, which will just add to the stress. Respectful and specific communication is essential. Instead of saying, "You never do any housekeeping," say, "I'm angry that you left the table without offering to assist with the dishes."

“Do not let your anger lead to hatred, as you will hurt yourself more than you would the other” ― Stephen Richards 

It’s easier said than done, yes. But if we wish to control our anger, we will have to take action. HappiMynd can help and guide you. Explore our different services like HappiLife screening, HappiApp, HappiBUDDY and HappiTALK to help you in this journey of yours.

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