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5 Ways to Support Your Loved Ones Having Mental Health Issues

Seeing a loved one struggle with mental illness symptoms can be extremely stressful and heartbreaking. It can be difficult to know how to effectively assist and support your loved one. You may be concerned about the way a person has been speaking and behaving, or the person may already have a specific diagnosis.

We think we know our loved ones well enough to know what strategy or support will be most beneficial for them but, sometimes we fail to provide it. There are certain suggestions and things to think about when attempting to assist a loved one.

How can I tell if someone has a mental illness?

When someone is going through a difficult time, it may be clear, but there is no quick method to tell if they have a mental health problem. You don't always need to know. It's more vital to respond gently to someone who appears to be in distress than it is to find out if they have a diagnosis.

Although certain symptoms are widespread among people with specific mental health issues, no two people behave in the same manner when they are sick. You may detect changes in the person's behavior or mood if you know them well.

Since it is difficult to care for someone who is ill, here are a few pointers to assist you to support someone who is dealing with mental health issues to the best of your ability.

Learn about the condition, including its symptoms and indicators. Also, understand more about how therapies operate so you'll be aware of any potential side effects and improvements.

Encourage people to seek treatment. Offer to assist in setting up initial visits with a doctor to determine what's wrong, or accompany the individual to the doctor. If you decide to accompany the person, make a list of any notes or questions you may have ahead of time so that you can cover all of the key aspects.

Assist in the development of clear, attainable goals that may be tackled one step at a time.

Don't make the mistake of assuming you know what the person requires. Inquire about how you can assist. Pay close attention to the response.

Assist with emotional issues. You can make a big difference in someone's life by making them feel less alone and ashamed. They are not to blame for their condition, though they may believe so. Try to instill hope in them and keep encouraging them with optimism and positivity. 

Although the person living with the illness bears ultimate responsibility, you can help your friend or loved one by being involved in their treatment.

If you are seeking help for your loved one, reach out to us to book a session with an expert. HappiTALK is just a click away.

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